Oregon Library Association

Support Staff Division

Executive Committee Meeting

July 16, 2009 5:30-8:30

Location: Hatfield Library, Willamette University, Salem, Oregon


In attendance:

Cathy, Margaret, Melissa, Diane, Sarah, Jey, Jan, Kristynn, Rea, Lori, Susan G., Jan : Guests Susan B., Stacey F., Kate, Karen H., Karen W., Suzanne, Sheila.



Meeting to order at 6:50 pm



1.         Review agenda

2.         Approve minutes – oops


Officer Reports

  1. Chair – Cathy:
  2. Discuss EOLA: Motion to approve Cathy Z., Susan G., Diane and Jey, overnight for two nights, $45 per diem board and mileage.  Motion by Margaret, seconded by Lori.   Motion by Susan G. to approve the same for two people to go to WALE, seconded by Jey. Both passed.


  1. Past-Chair – Jey: Two things the past chair does is the conference site for the next year and nominations.

a. 2010 Conference – some things need to be done for the site.  We need credit references.  Jey will contact conference chairs from the past two conferences for that. OLA will not be participating in our conference.

b. We have folks nominated for vice chair, archivist and recorder – but the recorder person bowed out so we will need a nominee for that. Elections will be online, ballots will go out the last week of July.


  1. Treasurer – Rea
  2. Please get any receipts to Rea, and you need to sign them.
  3. The conference center hasn’t received their deposit yet.
  4. Financial reports haven’t been very frequent.  Rea will email them when she has them. 
  5. As of 9/17-4/30 we have 27,256.20 balance.  This doesn’t include registration gain or outgoing for the conference.
  6. Diane will talk with Rea about gains/losses where the book mending workshops are concerned.




   4.      Archivist – Margaret

a.    Currently there is nothing about the history of SSD on the website. Margaret would like to get something up on that.  Diane: there used to be a “history” on the website, Diane will try to find it for Margaret to possibly integrate.  Cathy will check past website files to see what she can come up with for the “history”.

b.    Margaret will be collecting things from this year’s conference for the archives.


Committee Reports

  1. Continuing Education - Diane / Melissa
  2. Scholarships. Out outlay has been about $250 so far.  We are only allowed to give out $600 in any one year.
  3. Membership/Outreach – All –


            Outreach -- Announcing the establishment of the OLA SSD Accessibility Fund.

  1. Part of our mission statement declares advocacy and this is a great example of our will to be advocates for library support staff.
  2. Will ask this year’s attendee to post something on the blog about her experience attending her first library conference with accommodation.
  3. Kristynn brought two examples of language to be used as a model for the language we will add to our next conference registration.  We would like to do this sort of outreach to encourage other folks to gain knowledge and skills from our conferences.
  4. Lovely tote bags are now for sale with the proceeds earmarked for this fund.


Membership – We don’t really have a way to tell who the new members are in Memberclicks. It would be nice to know and send them a welcome note or something. We would also like to know how many support staff are members of OLA, but not SSD. This would prove to be very difficult the way the current membership form is set up.


  1. Conference – Lori –
  2. Kate fleshed out the registration table schedule.
  3. Mary Ginnane, OLA President, will introduce Bob Welch.
  4. We are taking checks for items and for raffle tickets.
  5. Lori thanked everyone and suggests we have done all we can do and that we enjoy the day.


  1. Webmaster – Sarah
  2. Sarah will give a presentation to the group during lunch time at the conference about the blog.  For now only Execs can post, but anyone can comment.
  3. Sarah will bring the Google analysis of use to our next meeting.
  4. The evaluation for the conference will also go out on a MemberClicks poll if this is possible. Sarah and Lori will work on this.







Old Business

2.         Goals / Vision - continuation and building (all) (working on this)

a. Blogging, everyone working on that.

b. Contacting members, Jey is working on this.  Cathy will continue when it is her time to do that.

c. Everyone feel free to contribute ideas for goals and visions.


New Business

  1. Susan G. is going to make a priority of videoconferencing.  There are several options to explore.


4.         Next meeting: date, time, location.


Sept. 17, 2009, 10 am to 1 pm at the Eugene Public Library, 100 W. 10th, Eugene, Oregon.