Oregon Library Association –

Support Staff Division Meeting Minutes

Thursday, March 5, 2009  9:30AM-12:30PM

Eugene Public Library, Eugene, Oregon


In attendance: Cathy Zgraggen, Diane Bolen, Rea Andrew, Margaret Harmon-Myers, Kristynn Johnson, (remotely) Susan Gilmont, Lori Davidson, Jan Griffin.





  1. welcome new members
  2. Review agenda
  3. Approve minutes – Cathy motions to approve. Lori second.  Approved as submitted.


Officer reports

  1. Chair – Cathy – The OLA meeting hasn’t happened yet, so will report after that meeting.
  2. Past Chair report - combination between Chair and Past chair.  Cathy reads Jey’s report.  Jey is working on nominations composition.  She has contacted facilities for 2010 conference.  No recommendation.  For 2011, Central Oregon’s regional conference is in the Fall, they have asked about combining one in Bend.
  3. Treasurer – Rea/Jan (will discuss what to archive) – On our last treasurer’s report, they forgot to account  for some of the fees.  Outstanding is $1400.00 in fees.  $1,800.00 conference presenter fee hasn’t been deducted.  Rea will start putting in the reports.  SSD bank account totals $30,644.40  as of December 2008. 

a. Cathy signed off on reimbursments for presenters for OLA.

  1. Discussion about how to  encourage people to register early.

c. Last report is through December 31.  Fowarded to Jan and Rea. 

  1. Archivist – Margaret : nothing to report. 


Committee Reports

  1. Continuing education – Diane / Melissa – conference OLA in April :

a. As of last Friday:  Emotional intelligence workshop preconference has limited registration numbers. The Book mending preconference has sixteen.

b. Asked Mary G and Robert (conference chair) if we can we advertise outside of OLA? Various folks will follow up on one or more of the opportunities for advertising.

c. Diane and Rea will distribute money due to co-sponsoring from within OLA ( BIGOR $100, PLD $200, Outreach RT (OLA) $200).  Proceeds from OLA will be SSD with one preconference, is helping at the bookmending (receive part of proceeds in return).  Power Point is a conference session so no monetary proceeds.

d. Cathy signed authorizations for payments for preconferences and sessions (OLA). 



  1. Scholarship – Diane   

a. Robin Beerbower has applied asking for Donetta Sheffeld Scholarship. She would like to attend a training in New York May 28-31. Total $400 for the training.  She makes a strong case for how her attending would benefit the Support Staff community in Oregon.  MOTION TO AWARD $200 Donetta Sheffold Scholarship to attend Book Expo America  MOVED BY Margaret, SECONDED BY Rea, MOTION CARRIED. 


Membership/outreach – All

  1. Conference – Lori – SSD – Theme will be   STEP UP YOUR GAME : TOOLS FOR YOUR JOB.  Seeing about Bob Welch, maybe he could do morning and lunch keynote.  The committee is looking at 3 sessions total for the day. Discussion on various possible conference sessions.   

a. Lori is looking into a session on Support Staff Certification. Wondering if Susan will do a presentation on certification, perhaps a panel discussion and wondering if we need need an ALA rep?   – 

c. THE HUDDLE. Round table free form discussion about different units, dividing the sections up.

d. Betty and Margaret DAY IN THE LIFE. 

e. Sheila, TIME MANAGEMENT time management at work session. 

f. Session on WHY CAN”T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?  Dealing with Jackson Staley, how to deal with difficult people.  –

g. Susan Beccina Richardson White CATALOGING and PROCESSING OF MULTI MEDIA A few loose ends. 

h. Trainers for all day book mending session have been contacted

  1. Vendors that have been. 

j. Usually the Exec board donates raffle baskets for scholarships.  Rea and Diane will donate baskets.  Discussion of ways to advertise raffle baskets.  Shawn O’Niel has been working on a logo for conference, this is still in the works.


  1. Webmaster – Sarah – absent.  Contact Sarah for anything having to do with our site.


Old Business

  1. Adventures in Library Land –
    1. article submissions – susan’s articles . Case for involvement, we want to post article when Jey starts asking for nominations.    Shall we share our contact information on the website? 
    2. Susan – contacted ALA to see if support staff are eligible for ALA emerging leaders program and they are. 
    3. Do we want to share our website and the Adventures in Library Land column?  It might encourage people to submit articles.  Susan will share Adventures in library land with the ALA LLSSRT folks. 
    4. Support Staff Certification article will be published in late May or June and could promote our conference session.  All are encouraged to write articles. 
    5. Also, we could do reviews of our sessions to encourage folks to attend  conferences. 
  2. Goals/Visions – continuation and building on what Jey started -
  3. Dynamic social networking, blog – we know we don’t have that capability from MC to do blog or wikis, perhaps OLA will purchase module later.  OLA Hotline has a blog.  Maybe make a blog on Blogger and link to it. 
    1. Cathy will set up an SSD blog, maybe link the conference off of what she starts.  From 23 things on a stick.
    2. Does OLA or SSD have a Facebook page? 
  4. We would like a forum to problem solve., share ideas, this could be related to networking or be a piece of the SSD website.
  5. Mobile book-mending workshops – Could more book mending workshops be part of what we encourage, our niche?
  6. Grant writer. -  This is something libraries might be interested, perhaps a conference session. 
  7. ALA Certification. – We have talked about this a few times before. At the June OLA meeting Cathy will bring it up.
    1. What are issues, pros and cons, how can we motivate folks to become certified? 

8. Susan would like to look into alternately doing some outreach at WALE in Washington rather than ALA due to the expense (Susan returned offer of support).  Discussion about possibility of a sort of traveling representative of the organization. 



         New Business

  1. Brainstorming; EM preconference. – we got information, discussed earlier, Diane will put together a list of contacts to share for PR.
  2. ALA Midwinter Conference Report (Suzanne) - absent
  3. Future meeting : rotating position of Exec Board Traveling Ambassador
  4. Other items to bring to table – Is there SSD Execs presence at OLA?  Lori, Susan and Diane are going.
  5. Next meeting time, location    May 7, 2009 9:30-12:30