ACRL Oregon Board Meeting
April 26, 2012
Oregon Library Association Annual Conference (Bend, OR)

PRESENT: Isaac Gilman, Anne-Marie Deitering, Karen Munro, Michele de Silva, Stephanie Debner, Judith Norton, and Jane Scott
ABSENT: Amy Hofer, Jim Holmes, Kate McGann, Jennifer Nutefall, Robin Paynter, and Kate Rubick
Meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm.

1. Agenda: There were no additions or corrections to the agenda.

2. Prior Minutes: The February meeting minutes were approved as written.  Jane made the motion and Michele seconded the motion.

3. Budget Update: The current budget balance is 14,135.61. 

4. Advocacy: The ACRL Board continues to be asked to advocate on behalf of librarians around the state who face job elimination.  In response to those requests the Board discussed whether it should/could write a policy statement about how/when it would advocate.  After discussion, it was determined that there really is no one size fits all approach and future boards may find themselves in very different situations.  It seemed more appropriate to take each request on a case by case basis.  However, the Board did want to move forward with the webpage about Advocacy Tools and Resources.  Karen Munro showed the Board the webpage she had created and reviewed the resources.  The Board thanked Karen for her work and gave her additional requested input. 
Action: After making those minor revisions, Karen will send the page to Robin Paynter to be added to OLA division section. 

Anne-Marie brought forward an email she had received from Tina Wong from Southridge High School asking for support for school librarians.  The new proposed Beaverton School District Budget includes the elimination of all K-12 librarian positions as a cost saving measure.  Tina requested letters of support or a petition of names to advocate that students in the district continue to have library instruction by professional librarians. 
Action: Anne-Marie will create a petition that could be sent to the membership for their signatures and then sent to Tina.  Anne-Marie will contact ILAGO and OEAC as well.

5. Elections: Judith put forward the slate for the May elections.  The Board thanked her and Jim for soliciting names and talking with potential candidates. 
Action: Anne-Marie to work with Margaret Mellinger to use the OSU software to facilitate the election.

6. Fall Conference: Menucha planning continues.  We have engaged two speakers, Barbara Fister and Char Booth.  We need to decide if we want to invite a third speaker or to find someone locally.  Jane and Judith have raised enough additional funds that we have that flexibility.  Anne-Marie will forward the email and speaker suggestion from Alison Head to all Board members.  In addition, we need to think about the conference in total and the six slots that need to be filled with a combination of speakers, panels, and directed interaction/active learning.
Action: Board members are to respond to Ann-Marie’s email and make suggestions regarding speakers, topics, panels, and directed interaction.

7. Award for Excellence:   Ann-Marie reminded the Board that we need to be thinking about projects that should be nominated for the Award for Excellence.
Action: Nominate current projects that are outstanding and worthy of recognition by ACRL.  These also might alert Board members to folks that would be good to invite to share their work at Menucha.

8. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be June 1st at OHSU from 1-4pm.  Bring your lunch and talk with other Board members from 12:00 – 1:00 pm.
Action: Please contact Judith if you will need a tram ticket.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:35 pm.
Respectively submitted,
Jane Scott