ACRL-Oregon Board Meeting
December 15, 2008
Willamette University

Present: Rachel Bridgewater, Jerry Curry, Anne-Marie Deitering, Camila Gabaldon, Bill Kelm, Stephanie Michel, Robin Paynter, Elizabeth Peterson, Tracy Sharn, Garrett Trott (presiding), Laura Zeigen

Absent: Janet Tapper

Meeting was called to order at 1pm.

I. Introductions
Since this was the first official Board meeting with the new members of the Board, everyone introduced themselves.

II. Approve Past Minutes
Minutes from the July 21, 2008 minutes were approved as submitted. Elizabeth Peterson made the motion to approve and Rachel Bridgewater seconded; the motion carried.

III. Review Conference Feedback
The Board reviewed feedback from the recent ACRL-Oregon/Washington Fall Conference at Menucha and discussed how the conference could be improved in the future. Suggestions included:
  • Allow longer question & answer sessions after each speaker; participants seemed to want more time for discussion immediately after the session; the closing Q & A session was not as successful at this conference.
  • Consider changing the conference schedule to: 2 presentations on Thursday afternoon and 2 presentations on Friday morning, with longer Q & A sessions after each presentation, and no closing Q & A period.
  • Eliminate the formal break (or reduce to 1 formal break), and allow people to come and go, get food/drink as needed. However, we were concerned if space constraints would permit this.
  • Eliminate bottled water? We purchased a reduced amount this year, but still about half was left after the conference. At a minimum, purchase less next year.
  • Recommend that the leadership transition formally take place after Menucha, so that the President whose term ends September 1 would maintain the lead role in planning and facilitating the conference. The incoming President would lead the ACRL-Oregon chapter meeting at the conference. The outgoing President will need to send any financial paperwork to the incoming President for their signature after September 1.
  • Provide a snack for the road on Friday (for example: fruit and/or granola bars?)
  • Recommend that if we offer optional discussions on the Thursday evening of conference, that the discussions be limited to 30 minutes, with the social to start after the discussions have ended. Some people felt conflicted about whether to attend the discussion or the social.
  • Comments praised the facility and the food but complained about the beds.
  • Recommend that attendees bring flashlights, or that next year flashlights be given as the conference swag. Also: earplugs. Robin will add to the “What to bring” section on the conference web site.
  • Provide an online list of attendees or email to participants before the conference. The registration form could include a check box: do you want to be included on the list of attendees.
  • Board members should be introduced at the start of the conference. Board members could also be identified by name tags printed on a different color of paper.
  • Some participants asked if it would be possible to stay overnight at Menucha the Wednesday before the conference. Garrett will ask Menucha about this when he contacts them in January. Alternatively, we can refer attendees to hotels in Gresham/Troutdale, including McMenamin’s Edgefield.

IV. ACRL-Oregon Academic Excellence Award
Stephanie reported that she sent a copy of the description of the ACRL-Oregon Award for Excellence to Faye Chadwell, the current chair of the OLA Honors, Awards & Scholarships Committee for her feedback. Faye Chadwell supported the award, but she recommended that we clarify the meaning of “academic librarian” (specifically, does this mean a person with a MLS degree?) The Board decided that the award should apply not just to librarians, but to anyone employed in an academic library. The Board also decided to change the timeline of the award, so that the award would be granted at the ACRL-Oregon/Washington fall conference, and the recipient would also be acknowledged at the OLA Awards luncheon. This change will allow the award’s sponsorship of the recipient to attend the OLA and ACRL-Oregon/Washington conferences to take place within the same fiscal year. The goal is to grant the award for the first time in fall 2009.

V. E-Learning Scholarship sub-committee
Bill and Jerry will serve on the e-learning scholarship subcommittee for the next round of the award. The announcement had just been sent out to ACRL-Oregon members via MemberClicks before the meeting. Robin will also send the announcement to the libs-or and acrl-nw listservs, describing this scholarship as an incentive to join ACRL-Oregon.

VI. OLA 2009 Conference – “One State, Many Stories”
OLA reserved the Santiam Room #5 from 6-7pm for the ACRL-Oregon reception on the Wednesday evening before conference (April 1, 2009). However, the timing was not ideal, since the pre-conferences generally end by 5pm, but the additional time was needed for setup.

It was suggested that the ACRL-Oregon reception instead be held in the bar in the conference hotel (Bentley’s). Jerry will contact the bar manager to see if a space in Bentley’s could be reserved from 5-6pm. The Board suggested that drink coupons could be given (to ACRL-Oregon members?), possibly in their conference packets.

A question was raised about how much money was spent by ACRL-Oregon on the previous OLA conference reception. After the meeting, Stephanie looked this up and discovered that at OLA 2007, the cost of the reception was $500; $100 of this cost was covered by the OLA Conference Committee (I believe this was because we learned late in the process that we would have to order the food and beverages from hotel catering).

A list of ACRL-Oregon sponsored conference programs was distributed, but since the OLA Conference committee was still finalizing the list of programs, this list was still in flux. It was suggested that once the list is finalized, that the list be posted to the ACRL-Oregon handbook wiki, so that ACRL-Oregon Board members could sign up to introduce and be responsible for conference programs. At the February Board meeting, we will confirm that all programs have been assigned a Board member.

It was also suggested that we advertise the ACRL-Oregon-sponsored programs on the libs-or and acrl-new listservs after OLA Annual Conference registration opens (around January 1)?

VII. Creation of new board position: Legislative Liaison
Prior to the May Board meeting, Janeanne Rockwell-Kincanon and Garrett Trott drafted a description of a proposed new addition to the ACRL-Oregon Board: ACRL-Oregon Legislative Liaison. This person would facilitate knowledge of and involvement in local, state, and public policy issues for ACRL-Oregon. The creation of this position would require a bylaws change, which would require a vote of the membership. This person would also serve in an ex-officio role on the OLA Library Development and Legislative Committee. This position would have a two-year term, and this person would attend the ALA Legislative Day in Washington, D.C. (both of these points need to be added to the position description). The person in this position should also be encouraged to apply to serve as an ACRL Legislative Advocate, or to communicate that person. The goal is to include this issue in this year’s election; the first ACRL-Oregon Legislative Liaison would be appointed next fall.

VIII. Updates on OLA
Garrett reported the following news from the previous OLA Board meeting:
  • NW Central has been updated.
  • The kickoff for Oregon Reads 2009 will be in January. The Academic Libraries page on the OLA Oregon Reads web site is blank; Robin will talk to Kimberly Willson-St. Clair about updating or revising this page.
  • Listservs on MemberClicks are not working correctly; former members of the ACRL-Oregon Board are still receiving email from the ACRL-Oregon Board listserv, although they have been removed from the list. Garrett will ask Steph Miller to contact Camila Gabaldon for troubleshooting advice, since Camila was involved in the initial setup and maintenance of the listservs. As a back-up plan, we could use the Oregon State Library listserv software.

IX. ACRL-Oregon Archives
Stephanie gave a brief update on the status of the ACRL-Oregon Archives project, which she is working on with Janet Tapper. They plan to recommend record retention and to winnow materials currently in the ACRL-Oregon Archives (which currently live in Stephanie’s office). Eventually, the ACRL-Oregon Archives should be able to be added to the OLA Archives in the State Library; an OLA Task Force is working on creating a plan for how materials could be submitted to the archives.

The next ACRL-Oregon Board meeting will be February 20, 2009 at Oregon State University in Corvallis.

The meeting adjourned at 2:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie Michel