ACRL-Oregon Board Meeting
August 7, 2009
Reed College

Present: Rachel Bridgewater, Jerry Curry, Anne-Marie Deitering, Camila Gabaldon, Bill Kelm, Robin Paynter, Garrett Trott (presiding), Jane Scott, Diane Sotak, Miriam Rigby, and Tracy Sharn.

Meeting was called to order at 1 pm.

All members present introduced themselves.

Approval of Past Minutes

The approval of the May 2009 Meeting minutes was postponed until the next meeting. 

Presidential Thank-You’s

Garrett Trott thanked all outgoing board members for their service and gave them each a $15.00 gift certificate.

Open Appointed Board Positions

Rachel Bridgewater asked for suggestions for additional names for the appointed board members.  It was suggested that people who had run for positions and not won would be logical candidates.  The positions to be filled are the private college representative, the legislative representative, and the Oregon University System representative. 

Announcements and Follow-Up

*Garrett reported on his discussion with Shirley Roberts about options for ACRL funds.  Currently ACRL-Oregon funds are a line item within the OLA budget.  OLA manages the funds, writes ACRL’s checks, and does the reporting of the income as part of OLA.  If ACRL-OR wants to become a separate entity it would need to its own reporting, filing, etc. 

*Garrett reported that he had attended the June OLA meeting.  He noted that there would not be a response from OLA with regard to the EBSCO/Gale contract transition.  Database contract renegotiations happen every 5 years.

 *Garrett reopened the discussion about ACRL-OR’s desire have a separate way to communicate with its constituents.   Garrett reiterated that one of the goals of ACRL –OR is to provide communication to its members.  Discussion ensued about how to make that transparent to the community through liaisons at each of the schools and through some kind of a blog or newsletter.  Jerry said if someone could get a list of the e-mails to him in txt. format, he could compare that list with who subscribes to Libs-Or. It was also mentioned that new member letters to people who join ACRL –OR would be good as well.  Robyn was to investigate that idea. Garrett volunteered to look at Adobe Connect Pro and Rachel and Diane agreed to meet later to discuss software options for blogs and newsletters.

 *Garrett also talked about the possibility of adopting or working with some existing structures in OLA for ACRL issues.  The Instruction and Reference Round Tables seemed like excellent places for an ACRL presence. 

*Garrett revisited the idea of more collaboration with Washington state library association.  It was determined that it would be good to have some board members in attendance at the Washington meeting on Wednesday evening.  Ann-Marie proposed and Robyn seconded the motion that the dorm fee and breakfast fee for any board member who could be in attendance would be paid for by ACRL-OR funds.  The motion carried.

Award for Excellence

This award is given annually to a group or individual whose project or ingenuity has significantly improved Oregon Academic libraries or librarianship.  The presentation is done at the Fall Conference and again recognized at the Spring OLA conference.  The award includes a plaque, registration for the Fall Conference, and a stipend to attend the OLA Spring Conference.

The subcommittee decided that the open access mandate submitted by Janet Webster and Michael Boock (OSU) served as an excellent role model for other academic institutions in the midst of the scholarly communication crisis and should therefore be the winner.  Robyn will get that information out on the OLA listserv.  Garrett will take care of the plaque.  Rachel will authorize the monies for one free registration for OSU.

Endorsement Letter

Dr. Allen McKiel requested that ACRL-OR endorse his project of Cooperative Library Instruction.  McKiel of Western Oregon University is working on the creation of online tutorials that might be used by all academic libraries in their instruction.  The board authorized Garrett to write the endorsement letter.

Scholarship for Pack Forest

Scholarship committee will work with communications committee to get out information about scholarships.

Bi-annual Budget

Rachel will meet with Garrett and Jane to formulate the budget.  It will be presented at the next meeting.

Report from ACRL Chapters Council Meeting held at ALA in July

Rachel attended ALA in July.  She indicated that ACRL-OR receives $1.00 for each ACRL member within the state.  She noted that there was discussion at that meeting about the desire for an increase. It was estimated that there are about 100-125 members of ACRL in Oregon. 

Survey Results – Non-Member Survey

*Garrett noted that most of the survey results from non-members indicated that membership did not meet their needs. They were looking for continuing education opportunities, conference opportunities, workshop opportunities, networking and mentoring opportunities, etc.  Discussion ensued about workshop via statewide conference sites and participating in established venues like NW Central as well as different communication formats to try to make ACRL more visible.

Next meeting will be held at Pack Forest – ACRL-OR and Washington Conference - October 29, 2009.

Meeting Adjourned at 3:35 pm

Submitted by Jane Scott