Greetings !Welcome to the web site that keeps Oregon's library community informed about events and issues important to association members, libra
OLA Board Elections It is my pleasure to announce the results of the Oregon Library Association 2024 elections. OLA's incoming 2024-2025 President is Ayn Frazee from Franklin High School in Portland. OLA's incoming Vice President/President Elect is April Witteveen from OSU Cascades in Bend. This is a three year term and April's Presidential year will be 2024-2026. Roxanne Renteria from Deschutes Public Library was re-elected as OLA's Secretary. Roxanne will continue to serve on the Board through 2025. Please join me in congratulating OLA's incoming board members, who begin their terms on September 1. Thank you, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Overdue: Weeding Out Oppression in Libraries
Podcast Series, Launched 3/31/22 Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Antiracism (EDIA) Committee
In this episode we are joined in conversation by scholar, academic consultant, librarian and educational game designer, Fobzi Ettarh, who notably coined the concept of "vocational awe" in 2018. Ettarh shares how vocational awe operates at both the micro and macro levels, contributing to problematic hiring, onboarding, and retention practices in the library profession, and illustrates how this concept directly ties to workplace inequities and burnout. Vocational Awe- “the set of ideas, values, and assumptions librarians have about themselves and the profession that result in beliefs that libraries as institutions are inherently good and sacred, and therefore beyond critique.” (Ettarh, 2018)
Direct Link to Episode:
Oregon Library Association Online Merchant Store
OLA has opened its OLA Merch Store and currently has available Conference Logo and a variety on a variety of items. Over the next few months it will be opened for OLA Units to make available their merchandise.
Take a look!
EDI Antiracism Toolkit Available PLD Director's Training Session on the EDI Antiracism Toolkit
OLA Mission StatementOLA provides advocacy, education, leadership and collaboration to continually strengthen Oregon's libraries and the communities we serve.
Oregon Library Association Quarterly (OLAQ)