ACRL Oregon Award for Excellence Winners


Congratulations to our 2012 Winners:

Terry Reese and the Libraries of Oregon project team.

The Libraries of Oregon project represents a collaborative effort by the State Library and the Oregon State University Libraries & Press.  The project team has created a shared resources that will effectively provide access to statewide research collections and remove barriers to content for all Oregonians, significantly improving our ability to serve under- and unserved populations in Oregon.

Isaac Gilman and the project team behind the Journal for Librarianship and Scholarly Communication (JLSC)

Launched in May, this quarterly, open-access, peer-reviewed journal has already generated nationwide interest.  In addition to providing an outlet for librarians and researchers interested in examining new paradigms for scholarly communication, the journal will serve as a testbed where new forms of peer review and new impact metrics can be modeled and investigated.



The annual ACRL-Oregon Award for Excellence recognizes an individual or group who achieves excellence in the field by significantly improving Oregon academic libraries or librarianship.


Think you know someone that deserves recognition? Send in a submission next year for the 2013 award!