ACRL Oregon Board Meeting
December 9, 2011
Reed College

Present: Anne-Marie Deitering (presiding), Jane Scott, Jim Holmes, Judith Norton, Isaac Gilman, Robin Paynter, Stephanie Debner, Amy Hofer, and Karen Munro. Kate Rubick, ex-officio member was also present. Michele deSilva attended via GotoMeeting.  

Absent: Jennifer Nutefall and Kate McCann

1. Additions/Corrections to the agenda.
Isaac’s proposal for a national conference was added to new business.
Recruitment Letter drafted by Judith, Isaac, and Robin was added to new business.

2. September Meeting Minutes/Membership Meeting Minutes/Financial Update.

September Meeting: Motion to accept as corrected:  Jane; Second: Isaac; Motion carried           
Membership Meeting: Motion to accept: Judith; Second: Stephanie; Motion carried
Financial Update: Balance as of 11/30/2011 - $13,647.95
ACTION: Anne-Marie and Jane to send Robin the copies of the minutes and the letter of support for the Clatsop Community College Librarian for posting on the OLA website. Robin to link minutes to blog post indicating the board has met.

3. Update on Transitions/Questions from new officers.
New board members said they were acclimating and finding the wiki useful.  Karen requested being added to the listserv and wiki.
ACTION: Jane to send Karen’s email to Robin and an invitation to the wiki to Karen.

4. OLA Board Report. Informational

Last OLA board meeting was held on December 2nd.  Half of the attendees attended via GoToMeeting.  Isaac was in attendance for part of the meeting and Anne-Marie for the entire time. Anne-Marie reported on the following items that pertain to ACRL:

  • ACRL Bylaw Change ratified by OLA. Shirley will update the website.
  • New logo will soon be accessible for use.  OLA has taken input from divisions and round tables and will proceed to work on division and round table logos.
  • OLA Conference Committee will be rethinking how to include a time slot and spaces for Business Meetings at the conferences

5. OLA Programs.

  • Michele deSilva reported on the draft program for the April conference.  She read the schedule of the ACRL sponsored programs and their time slots.  Discussion ensued about the possibility of not having any of the academic programs compete with one another.  Michele said she could ask about the possibility of switching programs so that would not be an issue. Michele then emailed the draft schedule to Board Members.
  • Jane said she would talk with Liisa about the ACRL social to be held Wednesday night after the pre-conferences.
  • Jane said that we needed to decide on the fee to be charged for the Pre-Conference. Our budget indicates that we need to make $375.00 on the pre-conference and the cost per attendee will be $20.00.  With the conference at a destination location, it was determined that the pre-conference should be as affordable as possible.  Judith moved that we set the price at $40.00.  Isaac seconded the motion.  The motion carried.  Michele will inform the program committee. 

ACTION: Jane to email Liisa about the social. Michele will talk with the program committee about adjusting programs so that none of the ACRL programs are scheduled in the same time slot. Michele will let the program committee know the price of the ACRL pre-conference.

6. Academic Library Advocacy.

  • Anne-Marie talked about the Clatsop Community College situation, the letter she wrote on behalf of the librarian and what she had understood about that college’s process. This lead to a bigger discussion of how ACRL can advocate and support solitary practitioners, school librarians, county law libraries, and community college librarians.  ACRL wants at-risk librarians to know that they are not alone.  Besides writing letters of support members discussed other tangible support that might be helpful in these situations. Karen Munro volunteered to put together an initial list of resources an academic librarian could quickly access to advocate for and justify their positions with relationship to the value of academic libraries. This resource could then be housed on the OLA website in the ACRL division and discussed on the blog with accompanying links.
ACTION: Karen to create a resource of links to websites, white papers, and other information related to the value of academic libraries and librarians.

7. Menucha Planning.
Anne-Marie elicited discussion with regard to theme, keynote speakers, and non-keynote content. Those discussion and brainstorming notes will not be noted here.
  • Point people for conference-related tasks were identified as follows:
  • Program – Isaac and Jim
  • Registration/nametags/room assignments – Robin and Stephanie
  • Scholarships – Amy and Karen
  • Fundraising – Jane and Judith

8.     E-Learning.
  • Jane asked that the board select titles from the list of webcasts offered by ACRL for 2012 and two sites at which to hold the webcasts.  Jane said she would contact Erica at ACRLWA and proceed with the final selections based on the board’s input.
  • OSU and PSU volunteered to be host sites.
  • Titles selected were as follows:

ACRL's top choices are From Idea to Publication Part one, two, and three
Their second tier of choices are Say what you mean and Shifting Sands - link to the e-learning titles 

Say What You Mean: Professional Communication Skills for Librarians (January 31, 2012)
Learn how to use different communication styles to interact effectively with people across several library settings.

From Idea to Publication Part One: Understanding the Research Question (February 7, 2012)
Learn to formulate and define good research questions, select appropriate research methodologies and design the research study. Specific topics will include developing useful questionnaires, techniques used in conducting telephone interviews, working with focus groups and constructing surveys to get the information you need. 

From Idea to Publication Part Two: Analysis and Writing (March 7, 2012)
Quantitative methods necessitate certain kinds of analyses, while qualitative methods operate on different assumptions and different kinds of data.  It is essential to have an understanding of the appropriate forms of analyses (along with their possibilities and limitations).  Learn to express their research in publishable form.

Shifting Sands: How Small Changes in Policy, Culture and Technology are Determining the Future of Libraries (March 27, 2012)
Discover how changes in national and international policy, the growth of the free culture movement, and the rapid evolution of technology are having big impacts on libraries, and what you can do to help turn the tide.

From Idea to Publication Part Three: Submitting for Publication (April 3, 2012)
Learn how to select an appropriate journal or publisher, learn how to prepare a manuscript for submission, and understand what the submission process will encompass.,br />
Judith reminded the group that OHSU had pledged to pay $295.00 for one webinar so depending on what Washington decides we could still offer the entire publication series. 

ACTION: Jane will contact Erica at ACRL-WA with the ACRL-OR choices. Jane will facilitate signup with ACRL National for webcasts.  Jane to contact Anne-Marie and Amy with webcast dates so they can reserve space at their institutions.  Jane will contact Robin to do publicity.

9.     New Business.
Judith, Isaac, and Robin took input regarding the recruitment letter they had drafted. 

ACTION: Revise letter and send to it to all Oregon librarians serving in Academic libraries not currently members of ACRL Oregon.
Isaac introduced an idea regarding ACRL sponsoring a national conference on the promotion of undergraduate research.  The board agreed they would like to be able to review the proposal.

ACTION: Isaac to email proposal to the board.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Jane Scott

Next meeting:  2/17/2012 - currently scheduled at OSU