Wednesday, April 25 - Friday, April 27, 2012
Riverhouse Convention Center
3075 N. Business 97, Bend, OR 977701
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Programs - Friday, April 27, 2012

7:00 am - noon Registration-Riverhouse Convention Center Lobby
7:00 - 8:30 am OCLC Breakfast
8:30 - 10:00 am Evelyn Sibley Lampman Award Breakfast
8:30 am - 10:00 am Session 4
Measuring Now for Tomorrow We all know the importance of measurements. They help us justify budget proposals, allow us to be more efficient with our dwindling resources, help determine equity between services and communities, and allow us to demonstrate the tremendous value libraries bring to our communities. The presenters will take the mystery out of outcome measurements and share DPL's simple approach. The team will discuss the different types they have implemented and why they work. Finally, the team will share how you and your library can get started.
Options for Statewide Collaborative Borrowing: Can We Achieve a Virtual, if not Actual, Statewide Library Card? The Resource Sharing Committee was charged by the OLA Board to investigate options for establishing a collaborative statewide patron-initiated borrowing program -- a virtual, if not actual, statewide library card. The goal is to establish a program through which libraries and library consortia can develop reciprocal, patron-initiated borrowing arrangements with other libraries. How close are we to establishing free statewide library access? The Resource Sharing Committee is asking OLA members for feedback on shaping this program. What are your library's concerns? What would make this program work?
Doing Business @ Your Library: Small Business Information Sources and Services Small business is big! The Small Business Administration reports that small businesses employ half of all private sector workers in the United States. During the past two decades, between 60 and 80 percent of all new jobs were created by small businesses. This session will begin with a review of resources to support front line librarians offering services to those starting or growing a small business. Presenters will examine websites, print sources, and selected databases available through Oregon's Statewide Database Licensing program. Next, panelists will explore community networking opportunities to support libraries interested in expanding services to entrepreneurs.
The Healthy Librarian: Cultivating Wellness in the Workplace Learn simple strategies to cultivate wellness in the workplace at your library. Participants will learn skills to manage challenges of the job. This interactive session will explore practical solutions including stress management skills, ergonomics and how to incorporate more activity into your day. Resources for improving ones health literacy including health check tools and developing resiliency for changes in the profession will be explored. Participants will leave with enhanced knowledge and practical skills for incorporating healthy habits into their daily work.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's Global Libraries changes lives and narrows the digital divide Ms. Jacobs shares how Gates Foundations Global Libraries program works to bring about effective, sustainable public access to information and communications technology in libraries for people in developing and transitioning countries who would not otherwise have access, and to ensure it is useful and used in ways that improve peoples lives and spread the benefits. In order to do this work, Global Libraries partners with countries that demonstrate both a need and readiness to start and sustain nationwide online access programs through public libraries. The program has changed many lives in different countries. Many inspiring stories will touch you!
Driving Lesson: New Models for eBook Acquisitions How are patron or demand driven eBook acquisitions programs working in Oregon? Join public and academic librarians as we review two eBook acquisition models in our state.
Libraries & the Semantic Web What do all those acronyms (RDF, OWL, SWRL) and terms (Linked Open Data, triples, ontology) mean anyway? And why should we care? The Semantic Web already is affecting how we discover and share resources, and will continue to shape how we manage and access content and knowledge. Join Carlo Torniai on a madcap journey as he wrastles with the wild, world wide web and shows us how the Semantic Web is changing how we provide our users the resources they need. There will be plenty of time for questions and answers in this informal seminar-style session.
The ACRL Immersion Experience - What's In It for YOU! Have you wondered if ACRL Immersion is for you? Those who have attended describe the intensity and mind-stretching associated with Immersion. They also talk about the epiphanies they experienced--even renewal--that resulted in outcomes far deeper than other development events. This session intends to provide a taste of what Immersion has to offer as well as help building a case for why your institution should support this opportunity. Learn from the experiences of five Oregon librarians who have participated in the ACRL Immersion Program, and see why Immersion might be, for Oregon Librarians, right at the heart of things.
Navigating the Sea of "Lost" Maps: A Tale of Map Theft and Recovery Since 2009 the University of Oregon Libraries have been working with the FBI and WAML to return thousands of stolen maps that were recovered in 2007 during the criminal investigation of a map thief. Many of the stolen maps and prints had been cut from government documents housed in West Coast libraries. The history of the map repatriation project, methods used to identify the rightful owners, and how the UO Libraries are handling their own recovered materials, including security considerations, will be discussed. Audience members will be invited to share their experiences with collection security and preservation.
10:00 - 11:00 am Break - No Conflict Time
11:00 am - 12:30 pm Session 5
Dress Your Message: What You Wear to Work and Why It Matters Image isnt everything but its something. What message do you convey through the clothes you wear to work? Do your work clothes show your patrons and employers that you care about the image you project or do they scream take me as I am? Does your personal style conflict with or complement your job and the library profession? Is it helping you move up in the world? A panel of fashionistas and experienced managers will discuss work clothing essentials using real live library models and a fashion show. Attendance enters you in a raffle for Macys gift certificates PS Not for women only!
More Than the Numbers Tell Us Robert Leo Heilman describes a librarian at his local library and shares with us what he has been doing at the local level to promote others to see and understand the "great social value of our free public libraries." Mr. Heilman is the author of Overstory: Zero, Real Life in Timber Country, a collection of literary nonfiction pieces which won the Northwest Writers Inc. Andres Berger Award in 1996 and was a finalist for the 1996 Oregon Book Award.
Cold Calling for Shy Librarians We are often on the front line of local policy and funding battles. We know the issues and experience the results of elections and decisions. Consequently, we need to feel comfortable talking with those who make the decisions. Cold Calling for Shy Librarians is a forum to learn proven advocacy techniques. Facilitators will help all practice their new found skills focusing on such thorny topics as the importance of early literacy, the value of open access to science articles, and why the library needs books when we have the Internet.
Oh, the Choices We'll Make! Reading in the Digital World Preliminary findings from a current study of e-reader adoption among OSU librarians show that reading has changed, but not in expected ways. We will situate our presentation in the broader issues and questions about changing reading practices and literacies and how they influence adoption of reading devices. We will encourage audience feedback about their own e-reading habits as we consider whether technology shapes reading or if reading drives our choice of technology.
We're ALL Documents Librarians Now Federal government information (especially current information) is mostly online, but that doesn't mean it is easy to find! This session will familiarize you with tools that can help you help library patrons find that information. Well focus primarily on the official GPO information management system FDsys and on the Catalog of US Government Publications (CGP), but also cover other useful web toolsfor children as well as adults. We hope to make you more comfortable in your new role of Documents Librarian.
Graphic Novels: Selection and Programming Have you noticed how graphic novels fly off your teen room shelves? Is your collection starting to look a little sparse? Need to know the next big series? Weve got the advice youre craving! Further, weve got a few ideas to turn the popularity of graphic novels into popular programming.
Preservation Video Roundup! Come view a mashup of library preservation videos - some hilarious, some scary (bugs!), many practical and informative. The videos will cover a wide range of preservation issues, from security to care & handling; from conservation to disaster response. Topical tip sheets and resource lists will be available in order to justify attendance.
Becoming Thinkers: Helping Young Readers Dig Deeper In schools across our state, students are learning to read and reading to learn. In this engaging workshop, participants will explore reading instruction through the lens of a classroom teacher and understand what reading comprehension really is. Learn what knowledge, skills and strategies confident and capable readers employ to comprehend text and discover how you can grow inquisitive, thoughtful readers during story time and through conversations with patrons. Presented by Barbara Steinberg, certified reading specialist and literacy consultant with over thirteen years of classroom experience.
Staying Relevant: Brand Your Library Now is the time to brand your library! Learn how to best message, markeet, and brand your library to maintain relevancy in your community. This four-part program will demonstrate how the Deschutes Public Library discovered what our customers think and feel about the library; how we created the brand that is right for our library and community; how we engaged the staff into the brand; and how we 'live the brand' every day through a dynamic website, buildings, staff, services, and programs.
12:30 - 2:00 pm Awards Lunch
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Session 6
Legos, Pokemon and Book Clubs: After-school Activities for the Elementary Set Not sure what to do with your grade-school kids? Whether your library is small or large, we've got ideas to keep kids engaged and coming back. Find out what it takes to get your program started, and then keep it going - everything from publicity ideas to developmentally appropriate expectations. Leave inspired to try out new activities with the elementary set!
Using MarcEdit in Daily Life: Sharing the Why and How Presenters will share common and uncommon problems they have solved using MarcEdit, a free utility for editing MARC records and catalog database management. The developer will demonstrate a time-saving Task Automation tool.
Sharpening Those Classic Tools in a Newfangled World Fear not the ebook! This hands-on session will examine how some of our most beloved classic tools (the reference interview, resource evaluation, research and search strategies) are exactly the same techniques you need to answer those endless techy ebook questions. We live in a world where every day brings another device you have never seen before--but don't panic! You may not know the answer but you already know how to find it. Play time with some common mobile devices included.
When the Heart of Things Closes: Community Reactions to Times of No Libraries Oregon has the unenviable record of having three county libraries that have closed: Jackson (2007), Josephine (2007), and Hood River (2010). All three have now reopened, under much different funding models. The directors of these libraries will detail how their libraries came to close, how the communities responded, and how they reopened. Stories touch on politics, government, library funding, community support, and much more.
Meet Everyone, Everywhere: Using OLA's Virtual Meeting Software This year the Oregon Library Association board has acquired the virtual meeting software GoToMeeting to facilitate meetings held by OLA members working on OLA-related tasks. Come see the nuts and bolts of how GoToMeeting works, learn the practicalities of organizing or participating in a GoToMeeting session, and learn the ins and outs of scheduling and tracking your GoToMeeting meetings via OLA's account. We will also discuss some best practices for holding virtual meetings and ways that virtual meetings can help increase and enhance member participation in a state as large as Oregon.
Grassroots Digitization Projects: Lessons for Future Success This session will look at the lessons learned from several grassroots digitization projects, and will provide some guidance for libraries wishing to engage in small-scale digitization on their own. Examples from the different projects will be shared and used to highlight both best practice and potential problems. Topics covered include establishing standards, hardware and software issues, volunteer/staff management and supervision, quality control, dissemination, and copyright issues.
Reaching Spanish-speaking Patrons Online This program will present the interim results on a study of three Oregon communities about how to best reach Spanish-speaking patrons online.

How should Oregon libraries serve Spanish-speaking patrons online? The US Census reports that 8.6% of Oregonians speak primarily Spanish at home. Oregon libraries offer a variety of services online, including websites, online chat, databases and ebooks, but overwhelmingly in English. We can't assume that what works for English-speaking patrons will translate to other languages and cultures. Libraries are for everyone. What should we do?

The study is funded through LSTA and overseen by Answerland and Multnomah County Library.
Libraries & Humanism: A Book Discussion All conference attendees are invited to read and engage in a discussion of Andre Cossettes book Humanism and Libraries: An Essay on the Philosophy of Librarianship (79 pages). "The value of libraries only becomes a reality for each human being in that self-determination that has no other name than liberty...." will spark provocative ideas. Topic list for discussion will be distributed at the session. Bring your book!