Chapter 16 - Oregon Young Adult Network (OYAN) Bylaws and Awards
16.01 NAME
The name of the Division shall be the Oregon Young Adult Network (OYAN): a Division of the Oregon Library Association (OLA).
16.021 OYAN is a non-profit, educational and informational organization whose goals are
- To advocate for excellence in library services for young adults;
- To take a proactive role in providing library services to teens; and
- To provide a network for communication among those who work with teens.
16.031 Membership shall be open to interested members of OLA.
16.032 Each member shall be entitled to one vote.
16.033 Each member shall pay fees of $10.00 per year, with the exception of students and those who are part-time workers or unemployed. For the latter, the dues shall be $5.00 per year.
16.041 The elected officers shall be Chair, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Secretary, Publications Manager, and Summer Reading Representative (may be held concurrently with another Executive Board position). These officers, in addition to the immediate Past Chair, will constitute the Executive Board.
16.042 Positions may be shared. Shared positions have only one vote on the Executive Board of OLA.
16.043 Election process for new officers will begin at the Spring Meeting. New officers will assume executive duties at the annual Executive Meeting.
16.051 The Executive Board shall have the authority to:
- Act for the OYAN Division between its business meetings;
- Plan programs and schedule meetings;
- Review applications and award scholarships and;
- Make recommendations to the OYAN membership and the Oregon Library Association.
16.052 The Executive Board shall be responsible for allocating budgeted funds.
16.061 Standing committees of the Division shall include:
The Nominating Committee which shall be appointed by the Chair; and The OYEA! Award Committee which shall be chaired by the Past Chair plus two additional members in good standing.
16.062 Special Committees may be appointed by the Chair as needed.
16.071 The incoming Executive Board will meet annually before the fall membership meeting to update organizational objectives, activities, and by-laws and consider other issues facing the organization.
16.072 Full membership meetings will be held quarterly.
16.081 Amendments to the by-laws may be made at quarterly meetings through a majority vote of those in attendance.
16.082 By-law revisions and amendments shall be submitted to the Executive Board of the OLA and its membership for acceptance and inclusion in the OLA Procedure Manual.
16.091 OYAN retains full editorial control over all its publications.
16.10 OYEA! Award
16.101 The award shall be given to recognize an individual, library, organization, program, or initiative that has made a positive and significant contribution to teens in libraries in the state of Oregon. The award shall be called the OYEA! Award (OYAN's You're Excellent Award) in recognition and celebration of the recipient's efforts.
16.102 The award may be given annually, if and when there is a deserving recipient. The award shall consist of an engraved plaque and a monetary donation to the teen services program of the award recipient's choice. The award shall be presented during the annual Oregon Library Association (OLA) Conference by either the OYAN Award Committee Chair or an OYAN Award Committee member. If neither is present, a Division Executive Board member or a Division member shall present the award.
16.103 An individual, library, organization, program, or initiative that has made a positive and significant contribution to teens in libraries in the state of Oregon may be given the award. Eligibility requirements are as follows:
- The individual, library, or organization shall reside or operate principally in Oregon.
- Only living persons may be considered for the award.
- If a program or initiative is being nominated, it must have occurred within the previous or current year of nomination.
16.11 Nomination Process
16.111 An OYAN Award Committee shall be formed annually and shall be comprised of the Incoming Chair of the Division and two active OYAN members as appointed by the Division Executive Board.
16.112 Nominations for the award shall be solicited and accepted from the OYAN Award Committee and from Division members. Preference shall be given to nominees who are supported by a letter of recommendation written and submitted by a teen.
16.113 Nominations shall include the following information:
- Nominee's name
- Nominee's contact information
- Description of the nominee's positive and significant contributions to teens in libraries in the State Of Oregon
16.114 The OYAN Award Committee shall select the recipient. The name of the recipient shall be presented to the Division Executive Board as well as the OLA Executive Board and the Honors, Awards, and Scholarships Committee prior to the OLA Conference.
16.12 Scholarship
16.121 The Division may approve a scholarship to allow the recipient to attend the Award Ceremony at the annual OLA Conference. The scholarship shall cover the cost attending the award event and shall be budgeted annually by the Division.
16.13 Publicity and Record-Keeping
16.131 Announcement of the award recipient shall be publicized in the appropriate statewide, regional, and national library news media and in local newspapers.
16.132 The OYAN Award Committee shall keep digital records of committee activities and justifications. The Division Chair and the Honors, Awards, and Scholarships Committee Chair shall keep a cumulative list of award recipients with the year in which the award was given. The list shall be published annually.
Last amended February 3, 2024