Oregon Library Passport Program Resource Sharing

Directory of Participating Libraries
Libraries may sign up by downloading this form
The Oregon Library Passport Program recognizes that library service ought to mirror the way Oregonians live, work, shop, and play, and reduce barriers to library service. The underlying premise of the Passport Program is that cardholders of legally-established public libraries ought to be able to use other legally-established public libraries. The Passport Program is meant to be an exchange; a library extends service to users of other participating libraries, and vice versa.
- The Passport Program is a voluntary, opt-in program and a library’s participation is free. A library’s choice to participate determines whether or not its patrons can participate.
- The Passport Program is open to all legally-established public libraries, and both public and private academic libraries.
- Borrowing is free of charge to the patron and activity is patron initiated: patron visits a Participating Library and registers for a card; patron complies with that library’s policies for personal identification, checkout periods, limits, etc.; patron checks out materials; patron returns the materials to the owning library; and patron is responsible for costs of any overdue fees or lost materials. There is no library-to-library intervention required.
- The Participating Library is allowed to set its own limits on use by Passport patrons. These may be different from local patrons’ limits. For example, local patrons may be able to check out 50 items at a time, but Passport patrons have a checkout limit of 10 items at a time.
- The Program provides access to materials: checking out materials, placing holds on materials, etc. The Participating Library can determine what other services, if any, are extended (for example, Inter-Library Loans from outside the area or access to online resources).
- In order to participate, patrons are required to have a Home Library card first. This becomes his or her “Passport” to other Participating Libraries. Patrons present their Home Library cards at each Participating Library in order to register for cards at those libraries.
- Patrons who reside in areas that are unserved by a public library may purchase a library card at a neighboring library. This becomes their Home Library for the purposes of this Program.
- Participating Libraries will be surveyed annually and may be asked to survey Passport Program patrons as well.
- Participating Libraries will identify participants in borrowing records using a unique patron code or type, for example, “Passport Program,” in order to facilitate statistical data-gathering and to allow local libraries to set their own use parameters.
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