Technical Services Round Table (TSRT)

Bylaws | Minutes & Planning | Listserv | Scholarship


TSRT's general objective is to provide a framework for information sharing, continuing education, and moral support for library workers currently engaged in technical services activities. Specifically, the group has three aims:

  • To provide for the exchange of ideas on technical services and automation processes, systems, and policies.
  • To provide a medium for the exploration of new ideas and technologies.
  • To foster cooperation among all Oregon libraries in the areas of technical services and automation and to increase an awareness in the library community of the roles of technical and automation services.


Current Year, Sept. 2024 - Aug. 2025:

Kristynn Johnson: Chair, Eugene Public Library

Damon Campbell : Secretary, University of Oregon Library



Thank you for your interest in the OLA TSRT Scholarship. The scholarship application period has closed for the OLA Conference 2025, see you there!

TSRT offers a scholarship for current members towards the cost of attending the OLA annual conference. Funds may be used to help offset the cost of registration and/or other conference-related expenses.

You may qualify to apply if:

  • You are employed in a library position in Oregon with technical services duties (such as acquisitions, collection development, processing, cataloging) and;
  • You are a member of OLA and TSRT or become a member before registering for the conference (scholarship funds may be used to cover the cost of membership).
The scholarship application period has closed for the OLA Conference 2025, See you there!