Oregon Library Association

Support Staff Division

Executive Committee Meeting

May 7, 2009 9:30-12:30

Location: Eugene Public Library, Eugene, Oregon


In attendance:

Cathy, Margaret, Melissa, Diane, Sarah, Jey, Jan, Kristynn, Rea, Lori (by phone), Susan (by phone)





1.         Review agenda

2.         Approve minutes – so approved via email previously.


Officer Reports

1.      Chair – Cathy: Tualatin: meeting concerning support staff certification June 5, OLA please submit ideas to Cathy via email before that meeting. The same presenter who came to the OLA conference has agreed to present at our conference in July.  Susan, Melissa, Lori, Jey will give a report on their OLA session experience by the 21st so that Cathy can take it to the June 5 meeting.

a.       Susan sent us the 17 page final LSSCP Final Briefing Document www.ala-apa.org/certification/supportstaff.html[look at the website] report. It is broken down by component and competency. 

b.      Our anonymous donor is still offering scholarship funds toward certification.

c.       Motion: Start our own Oregon Support Staff Certification Scholarship.  Susan makes motion, Lori seconds the motion. All Ayes.

d.      Program beings January 2010, we will have a lot of time to advertise it. We should add this to the website.


2.      Past-Chair – Jey: Two things the past chair does is the conference site for the next year and nominations.

a. She will work on getting candidates by the end of June. 

b. Jey has been contacting members individually.  

c. Met with Salem Conference Center/Phoenix Grand Hotel folks on Tuesday.  The conference will be a week later than usual.


3.      Treasurer – Rea

a. Rea will email the official written report. Everything is charged to our account now that should be. Last report Cathy has is 12/31/09. 

b. Jan has archived conference accounting information we can use as a resource. Past three conferences mailing lists are also archived. Jan will email or mail the information to Lori.



   4.      Archivist – Margaret

a.    She would like to help digitize the archives, this would make it accessible to everyone. We would like to first work on some standards about format and file size standards. If Margaret gets it to the point where it is ready to scan, Rea will volunteer to help find the equipment and the staff. 


Committee Reports

1.      Continuing Education - Diane / Melissa

a.       Melissa: OLA Conference report: Attendance, Book Mending 18, Emotional IQ 13, Certification 13,PowerPoint 30-40 it was very full. Some folks enjoyed the Emotional IQ preconference.  Book Mending could have had 20, but it was full and they were really thrilled about it.  Diane will help at the one at the SSD conference.

b.      We haven’t gotten evaluations back through MemberClicks. Cathy will talk with Steph about our evaluation possibilities.

c.       Check treasurer’s report for how much we made or lost from OLA.  We are running in arrears with the report so we don’t know which money was transferred to our account from other divisions. To look at our gains and losses.  Rea will email Diane and Melissa about that when she gets the total.

d.      On the scholarship report: Robin Beerbower received the check for her training. She offered to give a good report to us. Maybe she present a conference session?  (Jey is chair of DIGOR next year.)



2.         Scholarship – Diane

3.         Membership/Outreach - All

4.         Conference – Lori

a. Bob Welch has agreed to be our keynote speaker. He cannot speak during lunch so we are exploring alternatives.

b.Bob & Karen will sign off on doing the conference.  Mostly, folks are working our sessions for hotel and mileage only.  People will appreciate that we have not increased our rates in a long time.

c. Theme: Step up your game – tools for your job: Sean is working on program and postcards.  We are going with just the logo. We are getting the postcards out this month.  We can send out the PR with Bob’s name on it, we have a written agreement with Bob Welch.

d. Discussion about electronic version of flyer and electronic evaluation forms with regard to MemberClicks.

e. For the evaluation, one thing we might want to find out is…why didn’t someone attend the conference? We would want to know this information as well. This would help us improve and reach those folks who don’t attend regularly.

f. Lori was willing to be conference chair for 2010, but is unable to due to her June 2010 wedding.  She is willing to work with / assist the 2010 conference chair.  We will find a 2010 conference chair.


h.    Rea and Cathy have some things like canvas bags, T-shirts, folders and different conference things that they will communicate with Lori about.

i. Is there a deadline for getting information on the web?  Lori will email info to Sarah asap. Deadline for registration July 7, 2009?

j. Margaret will send the PR info about Bob Welch to Lori.

k. In the email next steps will be written up and forward it to the Exec Board.

l. Margaret is preparing the “day in the life” session.  It will be informal like previous similar sessions.

5.         Webmaster – Sarah

a. When Sarah gets the final information about the conference she will move that to our main page. (Done)

b. Blog is looking good. Let’s go live with it.  Good place for nomination information.  Susan’s article “Adventures in library land” segues into that. Sarah could talk about it during the conference lunch in the announcements, maybe a live session during lunch, tell them how to comment on the posts.

b1.  Who can post to it? Everyone can comment on any of the posts.  Permission to post goes through Sarah.

b2.  Word of mouth can advertise it, Libs-Or posting, on our website.

b3.  If you are having problems posting write to Sarah and she will help.

b4.  First let’s have just the Executive Board posting and everyone can comment.

c.   Sarah can post to the web very quickly, so send anything to her.

d.  Posting Susan’s second article about getting involved to the Blog.


Old Business

1.         Certification (all) (see above)

2.         Goals / Vision - continuation and building on what Jey started

(all) (working on this)

a. Blogging, everyone working on that.

b. Contacting members, Jey is working on this.  Cathy will continue when it is her time to do that.

c. Everyone feel free to contribute ideas for goals and visions.

d. Desire to continue to be relevant. We want to attract new officers when posts are available.

*          Dynamic social networking or blog (see above)

*          A forum to problem-solve, share ideas-this could be related to

social networking or be a piece of the SSD website

*          More members, including more active members-how do we encourage


*          Mobile book-mending workshops

*          Grant writer


New Business

1.      Eastern Oregon & Southern Oregon workshops, programs

a.       Perry Stokes Director Baker County Library District. He is very excited to have us at their conference in October.  EOLA. Baker City, La Grande etc. We have talked a lot about trying to get over there. What can we do for them?  Book mending (this can be made a half day or whole day). The presenters will want to sleep over. We could do some Blogging pique interest. What about Customer Service at the public desk?  We don’t have to stick to book mending, we could go with customer service.  Communication…interpersonal…how to communicate clearly with your co-workers.

b.      Do we want to hire presenters for them or do it ourselves from the exec board?  Maybe have a session about SSD? We could also have some mini-topics.

c.       Cathy will talk to Perry and present some ideas.  He has already expressed interest in the book mending workshop. She will also ask financial questions.

d.      SOLF contacted Cathy in March. Cathy will contact Connie Anderson and Carol McGeehon about what they are interested in.  October SOLF meeting.

e.       On the book mending subject, maybe beginning or advanced or a half day each?  Would there be a computer lab available?


2.         2010 Conference Location (see above)

3.         Other items to bring to the table: Conference session ideas: Infectious diseases (h1n1 etc.)? Blog ideas for links: Supervisor resources, career resources, sustainability (Outlook, try to be paperless), our stories, reference questions, Committees and Saying no to committees (the appropriate No), Need to post a few times a week, post any ideas, more is better,

4.         Next meeting: date, time, location.


Meet the night before the conference.  July 16th, 6 o’clock meet at Hotel

[decision made after meeting]

Executive Board meeting (conference committee folks and potential conference folks are encouraged to come)

Date: July 16, 2009

Place: Willamette Hatfield Library

Meeting time: 5:30 PM – we will also spend time with final conference details.

Food:Diane will purchase lunch meat and all the fixings, (for build your own sub) as well as chips, fruit & beverages. We will reimburse her at the meeting.

 RSVP: by Wednesday, July 15 so Diane knows how much food to purchase.

We could invite conference committee or bring potential committee members with us.  Post to website that the meeting will happen, place to be determined.  There isn’t a hotel restaurant there. Cathy will look into the possibility of using a Hotel space for the meeting with take away food on our own, if they don’t have a space Diane will scout restaurants in Keizer or Salem.