ACRL-Oregon Board Meeting
  December 4, 2009
University of Oregon-White Stag Building


Board Members Present:

Rachel Bridgewater, Emily Ford, Diane Sotak, Margaret Mellinger, Laura Zeigen, Camila Gabaldon, Tracy Scharn (via web), Jerry Curry, and Jane Scott

Meeting Called to Order at 1:15p.m.


  • The next OLA Conference will be in 2011 and Garrett Trott is the Chair of the Conference Committee.  If you have any suggestions for volunteers or wish to volunteer yourself, please contact Garrett. [email protected]
  • Vision 2020 is an OLA taskforce appointed every 10 years and charged with conceptualizing and articulating the future needs of Oregon libraries.  These visionary statements are used to write OLA goals and objectives which are consulted when considering legislation support and use of funding. The Vision 2020 chair is Anne-Marie Deitering, Franklin McEdward Professor of Undergraduate Learning Initiatives at OSU Libraries.  Please continue to fill out survey questions and make comments on the four aspects of Vision 2020 (collaboration, place, community, and staffing).


  • The ACRL board approved support of the Information Literacy Summit, a conference directed at librarians who teach information literacy.  As part of that support, the conference organizers will have the use the OLA member clicks system for registration. The summit is to be held at OSU on Saturday, April 4th.
  • The ACRL webpage is currently missing several position descriptions including the community colleges representative, vp/president elect, and the state library representative.  Rachel asked that those be completed. 
  • Diane Sotak talked about the liaison program and passed out a current list of Oregon academic libraries and designated liaisons. When a new liaison is identified, Diane sends them an invitation to join the word press blog as an author. Her list also included the number of ACRL-OR members by institution as of 12/2/09.  The total was 125. Diane noted that the blog to date has had 600 looks.  She is considering soliciting content from liaisons twice a year via outreach letters with deadlines.  Suggestions centered on deadline dates of 10/1 before the fall conference and 3/15 before OLA.  
  • Rachel talked about the proposed form for volunteers and the type of volunteer jobs ACRL has available such as: introducing speakers at conferences, facilitating the registration process for conferences,  various on site conference support activities, reporting information from your institution (liaison program), and archival work. Jane is to talk with Robyn about possible ways to change the form.
  • Rachel talked about the past role of the Legislative Representative in terms of keeping the membership aware of OLA and ALA lobbying activities and issues as well as attendance at ALA National Library Advocacy Day held annually in Washington DC. This year’s date will be June 29th 2010 and will be right after the ALA Annual Convention June 24-29 in Washington DC.
  • Rachel talked about the proposed budget. Discussion centered on E-Learning scholarships versus distance learning opportunities at state identified locations.  Rachel mentioned the possibility of having vendors sponsor remote e-learning opportunities. It was determined that more information was needed and therefore tabled until the next meeting.
  • Menucha Planning was the major meeting focus.  Margaret had created a form with all the suggested speakers and program ideas juxtaposed to comments and input from the member survey. This form guided the discussion. Pros and cons of all ideas were considered as well as anticipated cost.  Rachel was to contact the speaker all thought the best and let the board know the outcome.  Jane agreed to begin finding sponsorship for the conference.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted, Jane Scott