The Oregon Library Association Intellectual Freedom Committee (OLA IFC) is a standing committee empowered by the OLA Board to educate and support the value of intellectual freedom, and help provide public oversight of any potential violations of the First Amendment in Oregon libraries.
First Amendment Rights Statement:
The Oregon Library Association adheres to the guiding principles of the American Library Association’s Code of Ethics and Library Bill of Rights. As such, we fully support the First Amendment rights of every individual to the intellectual freedoms to explore ideas, opinions, concepts, topics, and thoughts. Not every library resource is right for every patron, but the rights of every patron to make their own personal choices should be honored. We support the right of parents and guardians to guide their child’s reading and viewing choices, but that right does not extend to removing choices for others. The work of libraries and librarians is to serve everyone in their community and provide resources that are reflective of the world around us.
- informs the membership of current issues, trends, and legislation related to intellectual freedom,
- determines the facts in cases of public controversy over censorship, and develops a position statement on the case for the Association to present to all interested parties, including the press, and
- encourages and supports libraries with development and adoption of policies that uphold free speech and the freedom to read.
This website includes the following pages:
About us: more details about the committee’s duties and current membership;
IF Toolkit: information and resources to prepare for and deal with intellectual freedom issues at your library;
IF Champions: information about current and past recipients of the OLA Intellectual Freedom Champion award;
IF Resources: information to learn more about intellectual freedom issues (includes Tuesday Topics articles);
Resources for students: frequently-asked-questions and links to resources for students studying banned books and other intellectual freedom issues;
Contact IFC: information about how you can get in touch with the committee.
- Donate to IFC: help support our Committee activities and intellectual freedom needs of Oregon libraries.