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About the Intellectual Freedom Committee

Duties, Goals and Responsibilities

Per OLA Bylaws
      • To aid development of OLA's position on intellectual freedom, interpret it to the public, and act in support of this position.
      • To inform membership of any pending legislation, that would strengthen the positions of libraries and other (media) avenues of communication as instruments of knowledge and culture in a free society, to present its recommendations, and to tender the Association's support of such legislation.
      • To inform membership of any pending legislation ,that would jeopardize the freedom of the press and the freedom of inquiry; to inform legislators of the Association's point of view, and to appear before the Legislature in opposition to any bill which would abridge the citizen's freedom to read.
      • To determine facts in cases of public controversy over censorship, develop a statement of OLA's position in relation to the controversy, and to present the Association's position to all interested parties, including the press, when this is judged wise or necessary.
      • To promote development and adoption by libraries of policies that reflect diverse points of view and to collect and make available examples of materials selection policies for all types of libraries.
      • To develop liaison with other statewide organizations interested in intellectual freedom for the purpose of working jointly to defend intellectual freedom and, when necessary, to issue joint statements.
      • To respond to the OLA President's charge. 

Committee Members (Nine)

      • Alyssa Donoho (Josephine Community Library District)
      • Conor Greaney (West-Linn-Wilsonville School District)
      • Kim Olson-Charles (Eastern Oregon University Library)
      • Marie Felgentrager, OASL IF Representative (Roseburg School District)
      • Mackenzie Isaak (Cook Memorial Library, La Grande)
      • Emily O'Neal, Chair (Deschutes Public Library) - Chair term ends 8/31/24
      • Perry Stokes (Baker County Library District)
      • Steve Silver (Linfield University, McMinnville)
      • Zach Wellhouse (Oregon State University)
      • Darin Stewart, ex officio (Parents Defending Schools and Libraries)
      • Jennifer Maurer, ex officio (State Library of Oregon)

Map of members' geographic representation.Contact information for the committee, including listserv and social media, is available on the Contact IFC webpage.

Chair/Co-chair history
Judy Anderson
Isaac P. Gilman
Garnetta Wilker
Roberta Richards
Ross Betzer
Krista Reynolds
Kirsten Brodbeck-Kenney
Perry Stokes
Emily O'Neal



  • Meetings are generally scheduled for the 2nd Friday of each month at 9:30 AM. They are held online and via phone using Zoom.
  • Contact [email protected] if you are interested in attending one of the committee meetings.